ESF Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (JCSRS) is an English-medium school supporting students with a wide range of learning needs. The age range is from 5 to 19 years.
Through generous support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club, we offer our students some wonderful facilities to keep them happy, engaged and always learning. We have eight classrooms and a range of specialist rooms including a hydrotherapy pool, soft playroom and sensory integration room. All our students require additional learning support and our personalised, progressive and challenging curriculum offers students multiple opportunities for repeated, hands-on experiences.
JCSRS is conveniently located in the Ho Man Tin area of Kowloon. We share the school campus with ESF King George V School and are in close proximity to ESF Kowloon Junior School. We have a wonderful community feel and our students benefit greatly from being able to take part in inclusive programmes with other ESF schools.
Jockey Club Sarah Roe School,
2B Tin Kwong Road, Homantin,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Main Office
Tel: +852 2761 9893
Fax: +852 2381 4081
Office hours: 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday
Office hours during school holidays: 9 am to 3 pm, Monday to Friday