Leadership Team
Like all of the schools within the ESF family, Jockey Club Sarah Roe School leadership team is dedicated to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student can thrive. Led by our Principal, Anna Smakowska, the team of senior and phase leaders make sure that we are taking every opportunity to help our students be the best that they can be.
Meet our Leadership Team hereStudent Council
While not every one of our students will want to be a leader - either in school or later in life, we recognise that leadership skills are important to all of us as we lead our lives. There are a variety of ways in which our young people can get involved beyond their classroom.
Find out more about the leadership activities and opportunities here

School Council
The Jockey Club Sarah Roe School Council plays an incredibly important role in the governance of the school. Made up of representatives from the community, our staff and parents, the Council makes sure that we prioritise the right things, spend our money wisely and recruit the right people.
Meet the School Council here